Please save the NEW DATE for our next members‘ assembly:
The R&D spring meeting will take place one day prior to the GA on April 3rd.
Short review of General Assembly 2022
In our last General Assembly all of our current workgroup-leaders have been re-elected:
for R&D: Marc Langela
for Standardisation: Paul Modern
for Training: Leonard van Lier and
for Young Talents: Konrad Klotsche.
We thank all VOLUNTEERS for their engagement for EFRC!
In a special „Strategy-Session“ we discussed trends & goals as well as the vision & the strategy of the association. THANKS to all MEMBERS who contributed with their knowledge, opinions and thoughts to this fruitful meeting!
A special Thank you goes to Thomas Heumesser who has audited our association for several times and who decided to hand over his position to Mr. Alexander Peters. Mr. Andi Ziermann will overtake the role as 2nd auditor.