As a result of continuous research and development, the worldwide pump, compressor, compressed air and vacuum technology sector now enjoys an excellent reputation for innovative pumps, compressors and vacuum technology design and provides excellent product quality. Our industry is anxious to further enhance this reputation by effective communication with its customers and suppliers. The International Rotating Equipment Conference offers a unique possibility to present new solutions to the sector, hold face-to-face discussions with users, plant manufacturers and equipment manufacturers and to accept proposals for the coming years.
As its promoter, we are happy to offer you the opportunity to attend the second “International Rotating Equipment Conference–Pumps and Compressors”, incorporating three respected international forums: the 10th Pump Users International Forum, the 3rd Compressor Users International Forum and the 8th EFRC (European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors) Conference. Together with our European partner associations EUROPUMP and PNEUROP and with additional support from several trade associations and professional bodies, we have been able to maximize the collaborative effect.