Our mission: „We connect professionals to promote the reciprocating compressor on the path to a carbon neutral world“
We support users, manufacturers and scientists working in the field of reciprocating compressors in terms of technology and exchange of experience as well as in the formation and the enforcement of precompetitive research, standards & guidelines, training and student exchange.
Our Goals are:
Exchange of Information and Experience
- Conferences (EFRC and IREC (with VDMA))
- Cooperation with KRMEA (South Korea)
- Internet (www.recip.org) & LinkedIn
- Workshops + Trainings
Improve image of reciprocating compressors
- Student Workshops and Excursions
- Standardisation and Guidelines (➔ ISO-Standards)
Perform joint research
- Precompetitive R&D
- Aiming to improve the performance of the recip
Working Groups:
4 working groups support our goals:
- Precompetitive Research
- Standardisation
- Training
- Young Talents (Students Workshop)